SHDesigns: Embedded Systems Design, Consulting and Developer Resources | Page hits: |
Note: SHDesigns has moved up to the Softools WinIDE C compiler.
Some of these libraries have been converted to Softools. More
are coming in the future.
Dynamic C versions 7.20 through 9.25 are supported. Version 9.40 is NOT supported due to compiler and library bugs.
Description: |
Libraries for the Softools WinIDE C compiler | Libraries for the Z-World Dynamic C Compiler |
Remote network debugger, allows access to Rabbit board printf() output and examine memory and variables in real time. Allows viewing data structures and logging stdio. |
The Softools version can be downloaded here: |
The ZWorld DC code can be downloaded here: |
Seems Z-World again missed the boat. This is really a standard 'C' function, but it is missing from their libraries. This library implements the sscanf() function and a few others that are missing. |
Of course, the Softools Compiler already has this (and much better stdio support.) |
The DC library can be downloaded here: |
Not Needed for Softools. |
The DC library can be downloaded here: |
This is an example on how to Configure the Rabbit TCP/IP stack at run time. It also provides a way to find the Rabbit Boards current IP. A PC utility will search for boards and allow the user to configure the IP, Mask and Gatway address or use DHCP. |
More information can be found here: |
More information can be found here: |
This is a simple cooperative task switcher originally written for Softools. Each task has its own stack, allows some preemption. Fast task switching. Also supports far task stacks to save root code space. Dynamic C costates/cofunctions have proven unreliable in recent compilers. To get around these problems, CoExec was ported to Dynamic C with great results. Programs now run faster, with less code and are far more reliable. |
More information can be found here: |
LZ77 is a simple compression algorithm. It is the method used by the Z-World ZCompress. This library can decode data compressed using this algorithm. The compression is better than the ZW implementation. These compressed files can be stored on a file system or included in a user program via #pragma init_file. Store compressed files in flash with #pragma init_file and decode them. Includes source to a fast CRC16 algorithm. |
Fixed point library for Softools. Supports real numbers from -32678.99999 to 32767.99999. No real documentation at this time, just the lib and a sample app. |
Click to subscribe to Yahoo rabbit-semi group |
Click to subscribe to Yahoo Softools group |